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Russia says fertilizer exports to India in 2022 rose over 3-fold compared to 2021

Russia early Tuesday said fertilizer exports to India since 2021 have increased by more than three-fold.

“Russia actively supplies mineral fertilizers to India: in 2022, the supply of all types of fertilizers increased by 3.4 times in physical terms compared to 2021,” Trade Minister and Deputy Prime Minister Denis Manturov told reporters at the India-Russia Business Dialogue in New Delhi.

Russia mainly supplied complex mineral, nitrogen, and potash fertilizers, Manturov noted, saying Moscow expects the positive dynamics of mineral fertilizer supplies to its partners from India to continue in 2023.

Manturov further said Russia’s production of fertilizers exceeds the consumption volume of the domestic market by 2.5 times, meaning there are enough resources to expand the volume of supplies abroad.

He arrived in India on a two-day visit on Monday.

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