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Turkish coffee exports nearly tripled over last 5 years

Exports of coffee from Türkiye have gained momentum in recent years, with shipments nearly tripling over the last five years, the data sourced by Anadolu Agency (AA) based on recently published data from the country’s statistical bureau showed Monday.

According to an AA report, Türkiye exported 8,652 tons of coffee to 146 countries last year, generating $57.4 million in revenue.

Revenues from coffee exports were estimated at $19.2 million in 2019. However, Türkiye’s coffee exports have tripled in the last five years, as per TurkStat data compiled by AA.

The total revenue from coffee exports over the last five years was $200.6 million.

The data revealed that Syria has the highest demand for Turkish coffee exports, with $10.4 million worth of coffee exported to the neighboring country last year, followed by Belarus ($8.5 million) and Russia ($6.5 million).

Among 146 countries Turkish coffee was exported to in 2023, the highest demand was in the U.S., Netherlands, Turkish Republic of Northern Cyprus (TRNC), Saudi Arabia and the U.K.

Regarding coffee imports to Türkiye, the figure was $465.1 million in 2023, with Brazil coming in first with $285.2 million.

‘Türkiye more than a coffee producer’

Türkiye has made significant progress in preparing and presenting coffee in recent years, Osman Serim, vice president of the Turkish Coffee Culture and Research Association, told AA.

Türkiye is more than a coffee producer, Serim said, adding that, in fact, the production and export of coffee machines used for the “cezve coffee” method, other types of processed coffee, porcelain and glass service materials all contribute to the popularity of Turkish coffee in different countries.

He said Italy stands out in terms of added value and turnover in coffee, even though the country does not cultivate coffee and that it could set an excellent example for Türkiye.

“Developing machines and equipment that can make Turkish coffee, as well as coffee pots, will put Türkiye at the forefront of value-added coffee brands and the creation of popular ‘coffeeshop’ chains around the world,” he suggested.

He emphasized that both the Turkish government and the private sector should take Turkish coffee to the next level. He believes it will gain popularity in the coming years as Türkiye becomes a key player in the sector.

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