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Moscow warns termination of Black Sea Grain Initiative if G-7 bans exports to Russia

An official from Moscow warned on Sunday that it will terminate the Black Sea Grain Initiative if the Group of Seven (G7) decide on implementing a total ban on exports to Russia.

Dmitry Medvedev, the head of the Russian Security Council, said in a message on Telegram that the idea of such a ban is “wonderful because it also implies a counter cessation of the import of goods from our country in the most sensitive categories for the G7.”

“In this case, the grain deal will end for them and much more that they need,” Medvedev said.

A Japanese government official said on Friday that G7 countries are considering banning almost all exports to Russia as part of further sanctions against the country due to its war with Ukraine, the Kyodo News Agency reported.

Türkiye, the UN, Russia, and Ukraine signed a deal in Istanbul last July to resume grain exports from three Ukrainian Black Sea ports, which were paused after the Russia-Ukraine war began in February 2022.

The deal has so far ensured the safe delivery of 28.3 million tons of grain to countries in need via more than 900 ships. The deal is due to expire on May 18.

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