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EU reiterates concerns over developments in Tunisia

The European Union on Thursday reiterated its concerns over developments in Tunisia after Enahda Party leader Rached Ghannouchi was ordered to remain in detention on charges of plotting against state security.

The European Union continues to “follow with great concern the latest developments in Tunisia,” the European Commission’s spokesperson service told Anadolu Agency.

According to the EU’s position, the recent arrest of Enahda Party leader Ghannouchi subscribes to “the series of ongoing detentions of political actors from different opposition groups.”

The EU also stressed the need to “respect the right to defense and the right to fair trial,” as well as the importance of political pluralism.

Earlier on Thursday, a judge ordered Ghannouchi kept under arrest after he was detained Monday on accusations of plotting against state security.

In February, Ghannouchi answered accusations of incitement against security forces before the judiciary and was set free after giving testimony.

Since then, Tunisian authorities have launched a widespread arrest campaign against critics of President Kais Saied, accusing them of being part of a conspiracy against state security.

Tunisia has been in a deep political crisis since July 2021 when Saied ousted the government and dissolved the parliament.

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