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Türkiye: Talks continue on extension of Black Sea grain deal

Türkiye has said talks over the extension of a deal that allows the export of Ukrainian grain on the Black Sea are still continuing.

In a statement on Tuesday, Turkish defence ministry cited Russia as agreeing to back a 60-day extension to the deal, brokered between Moscow and Kiev in July by Türkiye and the United Nations.

“Turkish National Defense Minister Hulusi Akar and the relevant authorities continue to negotiate and coordinate to carry on with the activities of the grain deal and to extend it in accordance with the agreement, with demands of the parties taken into account,” the National Defense Ministry said in a statement.

“In these talks, the parties are reminded of the importance of continuing this initiative, which has a positive impact on humanity around the world and proves that all crises can be resolved with goodwill and dialogue,” it read.

Black Sea grain deal is set to expire on Saturday.

Russia says will approve ‘only 60-day extension’ of Ukraine grain deal

Ensuring peace in the region

The Black Sea grain deal has allowed the export of 24 million tons of grains, the statement noted, adding that Türkiye will continue to do its part in ensuring peace in the region and humanitarian aid.

It also said “the steps taken by the parties to extend the initiative are appreciated.”

The statement came a day after Russia said it backs a 60-day extension to the historic deal that was signed by Türkiye, the UN, Russia, and Ukraine in Istanbul last July to resume grain exports from three Ukrainian Black Sea ports which were paused after the Russia-Ukraine war began in February 2022.

However, Ukraine said Russia’s position to extend the deal “only for 60 days contradicts document.” 

The agreement allows only a 120-day extension, Ukraine said.

The deal was extended for 120 days in November 2022.

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