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Türkiye’s Erdogan reaffirms determination to strengthen ties with Israel

Türkiye’s President Recep Tayyip Erdogan and Israel’s President Isaac Herzog discussed bilateral relations in a phone conversation late on Monday, Turkish communication’s directorate has said. 

According to a statement by the Turkish Communications Directorate on Tuesday, Herzog congratulated Erdogan for the upcoming Muslim holy month of Ramadan, while the Turkish president congratulated his Israeli counterpart’s Jewish Passover holiday. 

Thanking Israel for its solidarity and support after last month’s massive earthquakes in southern Türkiye, Erdogan also reaffirmed Ankara’s determination to strengthen relations. 

Erdogan further conveyed his “deep concern” over increasing attacks and acts of violence in the occupied West Bank as Ramadan approaches, according to the statement. 

He underlined the importance of not allowing provocations and threats against the historical status and spirituality of the Al Aqsa Mosque in occupied East Jerusalem. 

The statement also noted that Erdogan thanked Herzog for his efforts to preserve calm and the status quo.

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