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Indian tribunal rejects Google’s request to suspend antitrust ruling

An Indian tribunal declined a request on Wednesday by Google to block an antitrust
ruling that ordered the tech giant to change its approach to its
Android platform, dealing the US firm a setback in a key
growth market.

The CCI has also asked it to change curbs on smartphone
makers related to pre-installing apps.

During the hearing, Google’s counsel, Abhishek Manu Singhvi,
repeatedly pushed for putting the decision on hold, or extending
the date of implementation of CCI’s directives beyond January 19.
He said the CCI’s decision will force the company to change its
business model and harm consumer interest.

READ MORE: Google fined over $160M by Indian watchdog over market dominance

The tribunal did not agree. “We are of opinion that at
the moment given the voluminous nature of the appeal, there is
no need to pass any interim order,” the two-member tribunal
panel said.

Google told the tribunal in a legal filing that CCI’s investigation
unit copied parts of a European ruling against the US firm
from a similar verdict on abuse of market dominance of its
Android operating system, Reuters reported on Tuesday.

The CCI investigators “copy-pasted extensively from a
European Commission decision, deploying evidence from Europe
that was not examined in India”, Google alleged.

The CCI has not responded yet to those allegations.

READ MORE: EU court upholds decision to impose record antitrust fine on Google

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