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Türkiye sets net zero emissions target with new climate law proposal

The Justice and Development Party (AK Party) will bring Türkiye’s first “Climate Law Proposal,” which aims to establish a legal framework for combating climate change, to the agenda of the Turkish Grand National Assembly (TBMM).

AK Party members of Parliament, led by Group Chairman Abdullah Güler, are preparing the country’s first climate law proposal.

Once the work is completed, the proposal will be submitted to the TBMM presidency and discussed in the General Assembly.

Once accepted, Türkiye’s first climate law will come into force, providing the legal foundation for the fight against climate change.

The proposed law will include the responsibilities and obligations of all public institutions, organizations and both natural and legal persons in cooperation to combat climate change. There will be no distinction based on geographic area or sector in these responsibilities.

According to the proposal, achieving the 2053 net-zero emissions target and reducing greenhouse gas emissions will involve assigning responsibilities to ministries based on actions outlined in the Nationally Determined Contribution (NDC) and strategy documents.

The use of renewable energy and clean technologies will be increased in line with the circular economy approach.

Local climate change action plans will be prepared, with needs and risks identified according to the principle of local governance.

Regulations will be introduced to implement and expand the zero-waste system. Measures will be taken to reduce the impacts of climate change on ecosystems and biodiversity and sustainable ecosystem management will be ensured.

Regulations related to the Emissions Trading System and carbon credits will be made and businesses will be required to obtain greenhouse gas emission permits. The Ministry of Trade will establish a “carbon border adjustment mechanism.”

“Green investments” will be identified as part of the fight against climate change. Climate financing, climate change incentives and green taxonomy studies will be brought under a legal framework.

The powers and revenues of the Climate Change Directorate, established by a presidential decree, will be defined.

Various sanctions will be applied in the fight against climate change and inspections will be carried out.

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