Migratory birds, especially flamingos, arriving from Iran’s Urmia Lake to Lake Van Basin in eastern Türkiye, do not leave the region even during the winter months. The teams from the Nature Conservation and National Parks Van 14th Regional Directorate are taking additional protective measures for the migratory birds that stay in the Göründü Marshes.
While the teams patrol the area to prevent illegal hunters from entering the marshes, they also continuously monitor the region using cameras, telescopes, and binoculars from a distance.
The Lake Van Basin, home to hundreds of bird species, is one of the most important resting areas for flamingos. Each year, flamingos migrate from Iran’s Urmia Lake to the Lake Van Basin, where they stay for a while and raise their young before migrating to warmer African countries as the weather cools.
However, in recent years, a group of flamingos has continued to stay in the Göründü area of Gevaş district in Van province, during the winter months. The Göründü Marshes are home to a total of 99 bird species, including flamingos, whooper swans, and ducks.
In recent years, the Göründü Marshes have become one of the rare areas where flamingos that do not migrate during the winter can find shelter and food. According to the Midwinter Waterfowl Census (KOSKS) conducted by the Nature Conservation and National Parks Van 14th Regional Directorate teams between 2022 and 2024, 80% of the flamingos remaining in Van spend the winter in the Göründü area. Additionally, swans that come to Van every year to spend the winter also prefer this area.
The Nature Conservation and National Parks Van 14th Regional Directorate’s teams are taking extensive measures to protect migratory birds in the region. In last year’s census, about 180 flamingos were recorded in the Göründü area, and it was confirmed this year that a group of flamingos did not migrate.
The teams, especially focused on combating illegal hunting, are conducting strict checks to ensure hunters do not enter the marshes where flamingos and other birds are located. In addition to patrolling the area, the teams are constantly monitoring the region using cameras, telescopes, and binoculars, they are also ensuring the area remains closed to hunting.
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