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Emine Erdoğan welcomes Senegalese first lady in Ankara

Türkiye’s first lady Emine Erdoğan, hosted Senegalese first lady Marie Khone Fay during her official visit to Türkiye, with a program including the Africa Culture House and the Presidential National Library in Beştepe, Ankara.

The visit underscored Türkiye and Senegal’s commitment to strengthening cultural connections and promoting shared values.

Emine Erdoğan began her visit at the Africa Culture House, where she was welcomed by Chairperson Zeliha Sağlam and African students studying at Turkish universities. After greeting Marie Khone Fay, the two first ladies toured the cultural center, where they viewed handicrafts from Senegal and other African nations.

Zeliha Sağlam provided insights into the establishment of the Africa Culture House and the significance of each displayed piece, emphasizing the center’s role in showcasing African art and supporting artisans.

Following their time at the Africa Culture House, Emine Erdoğan and Marie Khone Fay visited the Presidential National Library. In the Cihannüma Hall, they viewed a collection of Senegalese books and other literary works reflecting Senegal’s cultural heritage.

They also toured the Nasreddin Hoca Children’s Library, where they spoke with children participating in workshop activities and posed for photos, highlighting the importance of fostering cultural appreciation among young people.

Emine Erdoğan later shared her thoughts on social media, expressing her pleasure at hosting the Senegalese first lady and noting the mutual appreciation they found in the artisanship on display. “Together, we explored the works shaped by African women, each piece representing a fair market approach that brings hope to African women and children. This is a shared happiness,” she remarked, adding that the gathering of these creative efforts symbolized solidarity and friendship.

Reflecting on their visit to the National Library, Erdoğan commented, “It was a pleasure to introduce our library and the works we safeguard as part of our shared global heritage. I hope that this friendly encounter strengthens the cultural bridge between our countries.”

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