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Belarus law introducing death penalty for high treason comes into force

A law allowing for officials and military personnel to face the death penalty came into force in Belarus on Saturday.

The law, introduced by the Cabinet late last year, was signed by Belarus’ President Alexander Lukashenko on March 9.

The law amends the section of Belarus’ Criminal Code on “Treason to the State,” which provides for the possibility of life imprisonment or the death penalty for treason committed by an official holding a public position.

The new law covers spreading terrorist propaganda, defamation of the armed forces and other kinds of military formations, as well as violating the requirements for the protection of state secrets.

The new legislation also contains articles on espionage, acts of terrorism against a state or public figure, sabotage, calls for sanctions, creating or participating in an extremist formation, financing or facilitating extremist activities, or participating in an armed formation or armed conflict on the territory of a foreign state.

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